Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Participate in the SMS Giveaway Day? You Bet I Will!

Twice a year it happens. Twice a year I enter a bazillion contests for cool stuff. Twice a year I get sucked into reading and discovering more awesome blogs than I though could ever exist. Twice a year I find myself wondering if my blog will participate next time. Well, guess what? This time I'm in.

Monday, May 6th, 2013 the epic, the anticipated, the most fantabulous Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day is going to take place! If you've never heard of this event, go ahead and schedule a few half day sessions for yourself to stare at the computer screen uninterrupted right now then come back and finish reading. Seriously. Go write or type it into your calendar. I can wait.

Hundreds, yes hundreds, of blogger types get together en masse to flaunt their tremendous generosity by hosting giveaways on their blogs all during the same week. Everything from handmade treasures to crafting supplies are offered up... and we're talkin' some pretty swanky stuff from some fantastic professional and crafty types. If you did not know this about bloggers in the craft world, they are stereotypically generous folks for a good reason. Really, I feel like a complete scrooge next to some of them. Then, in addition to the spectacular showing of goodies up for grabs, you'll be introduced to these lovely people who create awesomeness. You're certain to find blogs you'll actually want to follow and bookmark to gather from their treasure troves of information and ideas. Even if you don't think you like blogs, you'll like this day... which technically lasts for a full week just in case you're busy... or your computer crashes while you're trying to open too many windows at once... or you somehow lose a day while browsing.

Now for the hard part... well, for me anyway. I need to decide what to make and gift to one of my most fabulous visitors. Categories I'm considering are: Handmade for the Home, Handmade Bags, and Handmade Accessories. Yeah, doesn't really narrow down my choices, does it? If you could pick one item for me to make and then GIVE AWAY, what would it be? This is going to take some serious thought.

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